报告题目:Design and Analysis of Sparse Code Multiple Access and Ultra-dense Networks
报告人: 余礼苏博士
报告摘要:In this talk, a novel codebook design method for sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is proposed and an analytical framework to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance is developed. In particular, to meet the codebook design criteria based on the pairwise error probability, a novel codebook with large minimum Euclidean distance employing the star quadrature amplitude modulation signal constellations is designed. In addition, with the aid of the phase distribution of the presented SCMA constellations, BER of SCMA system over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and downlink Rayleigh fading channels is obtained in closed-form expression. The simulation and analytical results show that the presented SCMA codebook outperforms the existing codebooks and low-density signature, and the proposed design is more efficient for the SCMA codebook with large size and/or high dimension. Moreover, the derived theoretical BER results match well the simulation results, especially in the high signal-to-noise ratio regimes. In addition, hypergraph-based SCMA codebook allocation in user-centric ultra-dense networks with machine learning (ML) is studied. ML algorithm is a good choice to solve the complex resource allocation problems due to the high density of APs/UEs in the UUDNs. Through the simulation results, the system performance with the proposed algorithm is better than that with the existing algorithm.
报告人简介:余礼苏, 2014年毕业于西南交通大学茅以升太阳诚集团2138,获工学学士学位;2019年毕业于西南交通大学信息科学与技术太阳诚集团2138获博士学位,西南交通大学-美国University of Arkansas联合培养博士,美国University of Houston访问学者,其研究领域为:5G/6G无线通信系统,非正交多址接入,超密集网络,机器学习。发表相关学术论文10余篇,论文累计影响因子超过20,累计被引70余次,包括IEEE IOTJ, IEEE TVT等国际著名期刊,以及 IEEE ICC, IEEE VTC 等国际著名会议。同时,他还担任IEEE JSAC, IEEE JSTSP, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE TWC, IEEE TVT, IEEE GLOBECOM等国际顶级期刊和会议的审稿人;IEEE通信学会成都分会学生活动主席;ICCAIS’2020, BEEI 2020等国际会议技术委员会委员 (TPC Member);国际会议WCSP2019大会分会主席 (Session Chair);Bentham科学出版社大使(Bentham Science Ambassador; Bentham科学出版社是国际著名出版社,出版包括SCI/EI等检索期刊120余种)。